I just occurred to me that I never took a minute to explain exactly what these quests are. I'll explain both what the quests are and where the idea came from below.
These quests are a journal of sorts. As I play through a roleplaying game from the 1990s, I tell of the events I experience in the game from the perspective of the main protagonist. Except that the hero's perspective is decidedly dysfunctional. Short tempered and foul mouthed, he slashes his way to treasure and glory. But mostly treasure. I play through part of the game, then I write about it. The date before each entry is the day when the section described was played, not necessarily when it was posted.
As far as why I do this- I love videogames. I also like words. I've had plenty of ideas on how to combine these two passions, but I never really made an effort to carry one out until Facebook tricked me into it. I was playing an old Snes rpg and thought about the events that had just occurred, and decided to update my facebook status with a brief account of my recent deeds in the game. The reaction was positive, so I continued, but the updates kept getting longer and longer until they wouldn't fit on a status update so I had to write a note. Eventually I started keeping this blog for it.
At the end of the day, I do this because it amuses me. I try to get people to take a look, and if you are please leave a comment- I'd like to get peoples' opinions on it.
-El Z.
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